Submit a New Complaint to the LECA

The Law Enforcement Complaints Agency (LECA) deals with complaints about the conduct of police officers, special constables with the Niagara Parks Commission, and peace officers in the Legislative Protective Service.

Complaints about a member of a police services board, the adequacy and effectiveness of policing provided by a police service, or the failure of a police services board to comply with the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 (CSPA) and its regulations should be made to the Inspector General of Policing.

Please note that the information on this form may be sent to the designated authority, staff in care of their professional standards unit, as well as the subject officers, if any, and used for the purposes of administering the CSPA and regulations.

If you have questions about filling out this form or about the complaints process, visit our website at: or call us at: 1-877-411-4773 or 416-246-7071.

If you require accommodation, kindly submit your complaint first and ensure to include the complaint number when making the accommodation request. If you need accommodation under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA), please complete the Accommodation Request Form. If you cannot complete the form, please call the number above or email

General Information
Have you previously filed a related complaint with the LECA?
This is a complaint about something that happened:
Is there/has there been an SIU investigation related to this incident?
I would like correspondence from the LECA sent to me by:
Is there/has there been a criminal proceeding related to this incident?
I would consider early resolution for this matter
Information about Early Resolution
Your Details

The LECA does not accept anonymous complaints

Date of Birth
Complaint Details

When did the incident(s) happen? If the complaint is about a singular incident, select the same From and To date.


Who did this involve? Please give us any details you might have about the police officer(s):

Officer 1

Where did the incident(s) that led to the complaint happen?

Describe in detail what specifically caused you to make a complaint. Consider the following:

  • What did the officer(s) do, say or did not do that has caused you to make this complaint?
  • Based on your complaint, what do you think the officer(s) should have done or said?
  • Describe any injury or damage as a result of what the officer(s) did or didn't do.
  • If you are not the directly affected person, outline how you became aware of the incident (e.g. witness, saw in media/social media) and how you were affected (e.g. loss, damage, distress, and/or inconvenience).
  • Identify any evidence of the incident(s) you have (e.g., photo, audio, video, medical records). Evidence does not need to included at this time. All relevant information and evidence will be obtained at the time investigation if the matter proceeds.
  • If this happened to someone else and you are a witness to the incident, please include the name and contact information of the person this happened to (if known).
  • Include any relevant occurrence/incident numbers if applicable.

Complaints may be screened out if they are made more than six months after the incident. If the incident you are complaining about happened more than six months ago, please indicate if you are under the age of 12, if you are a person with a disability, if there is a criminal case in relation to this incident and/or if there is any other reason for your delay in making the complaint.

Character count: 0 / 15000

If you have a disability, accommodations are available under the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). To request an accommodation, please complete the Accommodation Request Form found on the Accommodations page on our website.
If you require accommodation, kindly submit your complaint first and ensure to include the complaint number when making the accommodation request. If you are not able to complete the form, please email LECA Accommodation or call 1-877-411-4773 or 416-246-7071

Interpreter's Declaration

I am proficient in both languages and was able to communicate fully with the complainant. The complainant has indicated that they fully understand the entire content and the answers provided.


I certify that the information provided is true. I understand the information on this form will be provided to the police chief or the OPP Commissioner in care of their professional standards unit or the police services board, and that this complaint may be investigated by the professional standards unit of the service I am complaining about, with oversight by the LECA.

Please note even where there may be a possible defect in the above ‘Declaration’, the information contained in this form may still be collected and shared by LECA where necessary to fulfill its obligations under the CSPA.

If you are represented by an agent, please have them call our Office.

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy

The personal information that you have provided on this complaint form is collected by the LECA under the Community Safety and Policing Act. The information will be used to investigate your complaint. As an agency of the government, the LECA must adhere to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). If you have any questions about privacy protection, please contact the Law Enforcement Complaints Agency at 416-246-7071.

Personal Information Collection

Under the authority of the Anti-Racism Act, 2017 (ARA), the Law Enforcement Complaints Agency (LECA) is obligated to collect personal information from members of the public who make a complaint to the LECA. Under the Ontario Regulation 267/18, the LECA is required to collect race-based data on: 1) Indigenous identity, 2) race, 3) religion, and 4) ethnic origin. This information will be used to satisfy the requirements of the ARA and corresponding regulations. The sole purpose of the collection of this personal information is for eliminating systemic racism and advancing racial equity.

The LECA will de-identify personal information collected under the ARA, and may use the de-identified statistical information for the purposes of satisfying the LECA’s mandate under the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 (CSPA), including sections 132 and 133. This de-identified information may also be used to meet the LECA’s mandate, for program development and to improve service delivery.

Answering these questions is completely voluntary. No program, service, or benefit will be withheld if you do not provide or refuse to provide the personal information requested. Your decision will not affect any service provided or decision made by the LECA. Personal information collected under the ARA will not be shared with police services or police services boards or any other entity, person or party, except as permitted or required under section 7(14) of the ARA.

You may also access and correct your personal information or withdraw your consent by contacting our office. As an agency of the government, the LECA adheres to the requirements of the ARA and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1990 (FIPPA).

For more information about this initiative please contact the LECA Inquiries and Intake Assistant, at or to 655 Bay Street, 10th floor, Toronto, Ontario M7A 2T4. Telephone 1-877-411- 4773.

Do you identify as First Nations, Métis, and/or Inuit? If yes, select all that apply.

Ethnic origin refers to a person's ethnic or cultural origins. Ethnic groups have a common identity, heritage, ancestry, or historical past, often with identifiable cultural, linguistic, and/or religious characteristics.
(For example, Canadian, Chinese, East Indian, English, Italian, Filipino, Scottish, Irish, Anishinaabe, Ojibway, Mi'kmaq, Cree, Haudenosaunee, Métis, Inuit, Portuguese, German, Polish, Dutch, French, Jamaican, Pakistani, Iranian, Sri Lankan, Korean, Ukrainian, Lebanese, Guyanese, Somali, Colombian, Jewish, etc.

What is your ethnic or cultural origin(s)?

In our society, people are often described by their race or racial background. For example, some people are considered 'White,' while others are considered 'Black' or 'Asian,' or a combination such as 'White' and 'South Asian'.

Which race category best describes you? Select all that apply.
Race category Examples/descriptions
African, Afro-Caribbean descent / African-Canadian
Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese descent
First Nations, Inuit, or Métis descent
Latin American or Hispanic descent
Arab, Persian, or West Asian descent, e.g., Afghan, Turkish, Kurdish
Indian Subcontinent descent, e.g., East Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan, Indo-Caribbean, etc.
Filipino, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Thai, Indonesian, other South East Asian descent
European descent

What is your religion and/or spiritual affiliation? Select all that apply.